Life expectancy is increasing continuously. What we would all like is to stay healthy. Innovative medicine helps us.

Campaign for Vascular International medicine
The objective is the support of future-oriented and patient-safe vascular medicine – through research and teaching, in terms of practice-oriented, high quality and innovative training concepts, by promotion of junior staff and improvement of infrastructure. To train the surgical juniors and experts the foundation operates the VASCULAR INTERNATIONAL School in order to support the safe and efficient open vascular and endovascular patient care.

The Foundation supports the internet platform Patients are given an easy access to a second opinion from a selected and qualified doctor in Switzerland. The patients receive a comprehensible and reliable second opinion within 1 to 3 weeks. The platform is available in english, french and german.

Objective and purpose of the foundation
“The Vascular International Foundation was established in Switzerland in 1996 with the objective to support the further development of vascular surgery in Switzerland and abroad. Our efforts and commitment are dedicated to the best service for vascular patients. We may reach this goal by means of research, a future-oriented, high quality further education and hands-on training of vascular surgeons and of evolutionary technological development of vascular medical products. Your financial donation helps us to significantly improve the benefits for patients!”
Donations are used for
- Training and further education at practical, hands-on training courses
- Training and further education through internships in international vascular surgery departments
- Development, specification and publication of standards in vascular surgery
- Promotion of young vascular talents in developing countries by providing scholarships and training material
- Clinical projects and studies
- Award of prizes for scientific and/or clinical projects in vascular surgery

For the board of trustees
Jürg Schmidli, Bern (President)
Afshin Assadian, Vienna
Florian Dick, St. Gallen
Hardy Schumacher, Zurich

Vascular International Foundation
Kehrsitenstrasse 2
6362 Stansstad
Tel +41 41 610 54 34
Would you like to be informed about our current projects?
Please send us your contact data to the foundation’s address or by e-mail.
Many thanks for your support!

Account for donations
- CREDIT SUISSE AG, CH-8070 Zürich
- Vascular International Foundation
CH-6362 Stansstad
- Account number: 1508456-01
- IBAN: CH31 0483 5150 8456 0100 0
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